Ventilation Systems

Effective ventilation is necessary for good indoor air quality and to help with temperature control. Ventilation is needed to remove pollutants such as excess moisture, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and carbon dioxiode (CO2) from the building’s internal environment. These pollutants arise from household activities such as cooking, cleaning and heating, as well as human activities such as smoking.

Call: +64-226498862

Experts in passive ventilation.

Parallel Power Electrical, Services in Flatbush Manukau, Auckland leading specialist in the supply of passive ventilation systems and products. Parallel Power Electrical was created as a direct result of the misconception that the ‘Leaky Homes’ disaster that gripped New Zealand was caused solely by external moisture penetration and product failure. The pre-occupation with making homes increasingly more weather tight over the last few decades has prevented our buildings from breathing and has led to houses being designed and built without passive ventilation. Design and build of this nature gives rise to the potential for internal moisture issues.

Choosing a ventilation system

If you’re sick of stale air and weeping windows, but don’t know where to start, we’re here to help. Follow these steps, in conjunction with using our database, to narrow your options and find the best ventilation system for your home.

Controlling condensation

Winter condensation is a widespread problem. In winter we spend more time indoors, creating moisture from cooking, cleaning, washing and even breathing. When we're out of the house we leave it closed up for security.

Check your ceiling insulation

If you don't have any insulation, get this installed first. If existing insulation has become dislodged, compacted or wet through roof leaks, it won't be fully effective. It may even be inadequate for your climate. Fix all insulation problems before considering how to improve your heating and ventilation.

Building code requirements

The building code has minimum requirements for ventilation: all the air in your house should be changed every 3 hours. It says the air in kitchens should be changed every hour; in bathrooms every 2 hours. To achieve this, the code suggests extractor fans in kitchens and bathroom – and open windows elsewhere – to bring in fresh outside air.

Automatic ventilation systems

Once you've taken steps to reduce moisture at its source, an automatic ventilation system is an effective way of reducing condensation. And it's much more convenient than having to open and shut windows.

Our advice

Any of the system types can be very effective. Your choice will depend on the type of house you live in, your location, and your budget.

  • Balanced pressure systems are the best option, if you can afford it. They'll work in almost any situation, provided they're properly matched to your house and correctly installed. There’s more choice of models since our last survey, but they are still an expensive option.
  • Positive pressure systems will work in any house that has a suitably dry roof space, and sufficient air leaks past doors and windows. But if your roof is heavily shaded or you live in a colder part of the country, a heater will be essential for ensuring adequate airflow without cold draughts. You may also have to fit small vents to newer houses or leave windows slightly ajar on security stays to achieve sufficient air movement to fully control condensation.
  • Solar-powered systems (a variation on positive pressure systems) will be effective anywhere that has enough sunshine – which means most parts of New Zealand. And they will always have the lowest running costs.

Call: +64-226498862

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  Parallel Power Electrical
#7 Gospel Heights
Flatbush Manukau (PIN - 2019),
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